Who Do They Say That I Am?
This Sunday, September 16, 2018, The 17th Sunday after Pentecost, at 9:30 a.m., Pastor John Mitchell, will bring a message entitled “Who Do They Say That I Am?”, based on Mark 8:27-38. Joan Thomas will be our Worship Leader and Song Leader. New to our worship team is pianist Aaron Benfer. Our facility is handicapped accessible and seasonably air conditioned.
The Bible study time resumes September 12th.
The Stitch Club meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 11 a.m. in Room #3/4 on the lower level. Anyone interested is welcome.
Our mission emphasis for the month of September is the Mission Teens Organization on Gershal Avenue in Norma. You will find donation boxes in the fellowship/hospitality area. Please make your donations by September 30 and then we will deliver them at that time.
They need the following items:
39 gallon trash bags
Paper towels
Napkins Toilet paper
Cleaning supplies
Liquid Hand Soap
Dish Soap
Laundry detergent
Powdered creamer
THERE IS A BOX FOR THE “HELP & HOPE” FOOD CLOSET LOCATED IN THE ENTRY HALL. Canned goods and other non-perishables may be placed there.
THERE IS ALSO A SECOND BOX IN THE ENTRY HALL for contributions to the BLESSING BAGS which will be assembled by the Stitch Club. BLESSING BAGS are available on the table in the fellowship area, take one, give it to someone in need as God leads you, SHARE THE BLESSING!
Every Third Wednesday, at 11 a.m., a Mid-Week Service at Maurice House, 1719 W. Main St., with Pastor John.